Monday, 18 May 2009

Final Touches

Just putting the finishing touches to my dissertation in preperation for a final revision.

over 35 pages

over 10,000 words

looking forward to a five minute break.


Ben said...

Dear Jonathon,

I set out to work on a project similar to the one described in this blog. Thus, I was wondering whether you made your dissertation public and if you might be interested in an exchange of some form. I realize that the last post here is a year old but I hope you get this...


Jonny said...

Hi Ben,

I believe my dissertation is available for viewing at the university library. Although, unless you attend the University of Abertay Dundee then I'm not sure how you would get at it.

It would be great to sort out some sort of exchange. I could upload my dissertation to somewhere like rapidshare, or simply just email it to you. In return I'd love to see how your project panned out.

You can contact me at jon_m_holmes(at)btinternet(dot)com if you want to set something up.


Ben said...

Hi Jon -

I wrote to your email address...
